Blood Balance Advanced Formula
(For beginners plan)
Hey guys i am Shofiulla here listen I’m going to talk about what are the symptoms of high cortisol versus low cortisol okay cortisol is a stress hormone it’s there to react and adapt your body to action states flight or fight or stress okay so let’s just take a look at high cortisol you have fatigue inflammation blood sugar problems sugar cravings high blood pressure high cholesterol and belly fat the symptoms of low cortisol are chronic fatigue chronic inflammation blood sugar problems sugar cravings high blood pressure high cholesterol and belly fat.
If you notice they’re identical now the only real difference would be with low cortisol you have more chronic burnout chronic fatigue syndrome chronic inflammatory issues like fibrillation which you’re hurting all over this is more a shorter term okay so now there is a condition where you have low cortisol but that’s more of a disease condition where you have it’s called Addison’s in Addison’s that’s more autoimmune where your body is attacking itself where you have very low immunity because the cortisol hormone controls your white blood cells you have weight loss so you’re very very thin okay now with this situation you have high cortisol it’s got belly fat and if you go too low you don’t just get thin what caused the low is the high cortisol that then burns this out over time this condition is completely a different thing it’s usually triggered by stress but it’s mainly like you’re thin vitiation .
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Michael Jackson had it worth the you have the loss of pigment in these little white specks on your skin from stress autoimmune issues because the immune system is involved also a darker pigment on the skin so your skin becomes a little bit darker so basically I’m not talking about that situation I’m talking about where you are high and then you end up low and the reason is it’s very similar to in what happens with insulin you get insulin resistance you can have cortisol resistance so look at this you have high cortisol jamming into the receptors okay if you have too much of this hormone that’s going the receptors of a period of time .
Your body adapts to it because too much cortisol is unhealthy and it starts to resist or downgrade the receptor okay so now we have cortisol resistance or cortisol receptor resistance or the name name of this if you really want to know if you want to look do some research .
I’ll put some links down below it’s called hydrocortisone receptor resistance okay not that you need to know that but but anyway that’s what it’s called there’s not a lot of research on it there’s some but I believe it’s more common than it’s being promoted but you have cortisol resistance and then what happens inside the cell you have this cell that’s starving of cortisol so you’re going to get inflammation you’re going to have all sorts of issues because you need a certain amount of cortisol you don’t need too much so you lose the benefit of cortisol which is immune control anti-inflammatory regulation of blood sugar all these other things and things get out of control so the signal comes right back here to the adrenal the signal of low cortisol because it’s on a feedback loop it’s kind of like talking to your child and he’s he or she is ignoring you and so you’re going to with earplugs you’re going to shout so the adrenal is going to make more communication more hormone to get it .
(N:B Blood Balance Advanced Formula )
Connected so with cortisol resistance you have situation where you have high cortisol symptoms and low cortisol symptoms that’s what I think that’s going on because it’s very very difficult to distinguish one from the other so now what happens when you’re in a state of flight of fight or stress over a period of time you go from here to here or you can start going high cortisol then you go low and that’s really what happens what triggers this is chronic stress our bodies have not developed or adapted enough to handle the amount of mental stress that is put on us incredible mental stress so every another 100 you know million years will adapt but the point is that that chronic stress is it’s not short-lived its long-term that’s really what does it so you have to break things up go for long walks you have to not sit in from the computer 12 hours a day you have to change your environment get into nature a lot more take care of your body take less stimulants less caffeine things like that.
Now if you wanted to support the low cortisol this is what I have for that is called adrenal fatigue advanced formula this is mainly for the chronic .inflammatory condition let’s see of autoimmune you want to support it maybe some skin issues allergies asthma but you’re really tired no patience no tolerance was just that’s this over here this one this is called cortisol adrenal cortisol relief is more for high cortisol this is the more common one that I would recommend because maybe you haven’t developed a chronic inflammatory condition yet.
You’re not chronically fatigued you have energy sometimes then you you would need some of this to support that okay .So I just wanted to kind of differentiate either or just to give you a picture because it is confusing and people don’t know do they have low cortisol or high cortisol { It Include Affiliate Links}